Hello, everyone! Thanks to Tor.com, I'm getting to host an excerpt from author Dom Testa's latest book, The Galahad Legacy, from his YA science fiction series. Check out the links below to learn more about the author, and read on for today's portion of The Galahad Legacy.
Here's a link to the full list of blog stops for March and April: http://torforge.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/scavenger-hunt-book-tour/.
And here are some helpful links, so you can find Dom Testa and Tor online:
* Tor's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/torbooks
* Follow Tor on twitter: @torbooks
* Sign up for the Tor newsletter: http://www.tor.com/community/?task=registers
* Follow Dom on twitter: @HeyDomTesta
* Like Dom on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DomTesta
You can also buy The Galahad Legacy and any of the other 5 books in the series over here: http://us.macmillan.com/thegalahadlegacy/DomTesta#buy-the-book
Book description:
"The electrifying conclusion to the epic young adult science fiction series that began with The Comet�s Curse. Council leader Triana Martell has returned from her journey through the mysterious wormhole, but she isn�t alone. She is accompanied by the ambassador of an alien race�the Dollovit.
While the Council and crew of Galahad struggle to come to terms with the existence of the Dollovit, the ship begins to flounder. The radiation shields threaten to fail, damaged by the appearance of multiple wormholes. The Dollovit have a proposal for the crew: an offer of assistance that could be their only hope for survival. But their offer comes with an astronomical price. Beset with doubts and surrounded by danger, can Triana and her crew find a way to reach their destination�a new home for the human race?"
While the Council and crew of Galahad struggle to come to terms with the existence of the Dollovit, the ship begins to flounder. The radiation shields threaten to fail, damaged by the appearance of multiple wormholes. The Dollovit have a proposal for the crew: an offer of assistance that could be their only hope for survival. But their offer comes with an astronomical price. Beset with doubts and surrounded by danger, can Triana and her crew find a way to reach their destination�a new home for the human race?"

Tiger: And now, here's my blog stop excerpt from The Galahad Legacy!
"Now the door to his room slid open and he stepped inside, mindful to be quiet. Daniil was sound asleep. Gap rarely had contact with his roommate these days; just another sign, he noted, that time off was overdue. His social life had withered away.
And, he realized, it was more insight into the life of Triana, or anyone with heavy responsibilities. It was the side of leaders rarely seen or understood.
Although his bed called out, he kicked off his shoes and checked his mail again. There was a single new entry, a note from Triana. Clicking on the file opened a group message to the Council, with a personal attachment for him. The main message called for the Council to assemble at seven in the morning - his shoulders sagged as he calculated the amount of sleep he would not be getting again this night�and thanked everyone for their great work during her absence. The note was short and to the point, in pure Triana style."
Please visit Moonlight Book Reviews for the next excerpt from the first chapter of The Galahad Legacy.
Tiger: I hope everyone's enjoying the great giveaways and the cool science fiction provided by the blog tour!
Have a great day. :-)
Scavenger Hunt Blog Tour: The Galahad Legacy by Dom Testa Link Free Download