Song Review: History by EXO-K

Read my song review for What is Love? by EXO-K

EXO, the new band from SM Entertainment, is back with their second prologue song--not that any of us were sure what a prologue was the first time around. "History" is a dance track that features all six members of EXO-K, and compliments their previous ballad "What Is Love?" nicely.

The song starts with some interesting technological sounds, like an alien invasion with spaceships bleeping and landing. Then there's a kind of tribal or Caribbean beat, which fades quickly into the background as the vocals start. The tune is easy to sing along with, but the chorus is a little too monotone, like it's almost yelling without enough intensity to really be a shouting song. The vocals are solid and the rapping is good, though, so that counteracts the one-note chorus somewhat.

Themes: I think EXO has a planetary theme going on in their concept, because their whole band is technically referred to as EXO Planet and their first music video featured a lot of shots of the sky, sun, eclipse, etc. There's definitely some type of globe-planet-sky motif going on, probably because the band is supposed to be this pan-Asian force that promotes in Korea and China at the same time. The lyrics reflect this planetary theme and talk about traveling around the globe, making history on planet earth, and they include a lot more "earth" and "sun" imagery. These are kind of advanced lyrical themes for a dance track, so I'm pleased.

English: The first full line in English is okay, if a little too ghetto for EXO's image: "My heart be breakin'." Some K-pop artists can actually deliver lines of English slang with perfect attitude and confidence, but those artists (CL, G-Dragon, Tablo) are almost all with YG Entertainment, and SM Entertainment artists like Girls' Generation seem to have a tougher time pulling off this kind of phrasing. The next English line really doesn't work at all: "My pain be creepin'. " It's okay, EXO--I still like you. It's not your fault if you get assigned unusual lyrics.

Name bonus: The rapper in the band demonstrates how you actually say EXO's name: "Ex-Oh," whereas I had been pronouncing it "Eee-Ex-Oh" by sounding out each letter. With K-pop band names, you pretty much have to guess at how to say them until someone makes it clear.

Conclusion: Unlike their first song "What Is Love?" I don't think "History" is one that I'll keep turning to and hunting down on Youtube. I felt like "What Is Love?" was the kind of song you'd want to keep hearing over the course of a few months, but "History" probably isn't a song that will have listeners going, "You know what I'm in the mood to hear? EXO's "History"." This song is really quite good, but in my opinion it doesn't have that same unique and compulsively listenable quality as EXO's previous prologue.

My grade for the song: 3.5 of 5 stars

Watchable bonus: Here's the audio for "History"

And here's the MV. It doesn't have a wacky concept or a cool storyline; it's just your basic video of closeups and dance sequences, so it's not quite clicking with me. I'm think I'm about ten years too old to appreciate this:

Questions: So what do you think of "History"? Do you like it more or less than "What Is Love"? Are you keeping tabs on EXO-M, the version of the band that sings in Mandarin, or are you like me, just following the Korean half of EXO Planet?

Song Review: History by EXO-K Link Free Download

Scavenger Hunt Blog Tour: The Galahad Legacy by Dom Testa

Hello, everyone! Thanks to, I'm getting to host an excerpt from author Dom Testa's latest book, The Galahad Legacy, from his YA science fiction series. Check out the links below to learn more about the author, and read on for today's portion of The Galahad Legacy.

Here's a link to the full list of blog stops for March and April:

And here are some helpful links, so you can find Dom Testa and Tor online:

* Tor's Facebook:
* Follow Tor on twitter: @torbooks
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* Follow Dom on twitter: @HeyDomTesta
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You can also buy The Galahad Legacy and any of the other 5 books in the series over here:
Book description:
"The electrifying conclusion to the epic young adult science fiction series that began with The Comet�s Curse. Council leader Triana Martell has returned from her journey through the mysterious wormhole, but she isn�t alone. She is accompanied by the ambassador of an alien race�the Dollovit.
While the Council and crew of Galahad struggle to come to terms with the existence of the Dollovit, the ship begins to flounder. The radiation shields threaten to fail, damaged by the appearance of multiple wormholes. The Dollovit have a proposal for the crew: an offer of assistance that could be their only hope for survival. But their offer comes with an astronomical price. Beset with doubts and surrounded by danger, can Triana and her crew find a way to reach their destination�a new home for the human race?"
Tiger: And now, here's my blog stop excerpt from The Galahad Legacy!

"Now the door to his room slid open and he stepped inside, mindful to be quiet. Daniil was sound asleep. Gap rarely had contact with his roommate these days; just another sign, he noted, that time off was overdue. His social life had withered away.
And, he realized, it was more insight into the life of Triana, or anyone with heavy responsibilities. It was the side of leaders rarely seen or understood.
Although his bed called out, he kicked off his shoes and checked his mail again. There was a single new entry, a note from Triana. Clicking on the file opened a group message to the Council, with a personal attachment for him. The main message called for the Council to assemble at seven in the morning - his shoulders sagged as he calculated the amount of sleep he would not be getting again this night�and thanked everyone for their great work during her absence. The note was short and to the point, in pure Triana style."

Please visit Moonlight Book Reviews for the next excerpt from the first chapter of The Galahad Legacy.

Tiger: I hope everyone's enjoying the great giveaways and the cool science fiction provided by the blog tour!

Have a great day. :-)

Scavenger Hunt Blog Tour: The Galahad Legacy by Dom Testa Link Free Download

EP Review: Alive by Big Bang

Read my music reviews for:

Tonight by Big Bang
Heartbreaker by G-Dragon
GD and TOP by GD & TOP

Big Bang
YG Entertainment, February 2012
Buy the album from
: Alive

Track List:

1. "Alive" (Intro) 0:48
2. "Blue"  3:53
3. "Love Dust" (????; Sarangmeonji) 3:52

4. "Bad Boy"  3:57
5. "Ain't No Fun" (????; Jaemieobseo) 3:42
6. "Fantastic Baby"  3:51
7. "Wings" (??; Nalgae) (Daesung solo) 3:43

Big Bang is back! Their K-pop comeback is probably the most anticipated of 2012, partly because they have an unearthly huge fanbase and partly because they've been through so many scandals and troubles in the past year. It seemed like everyone was worried about whether they'd be able to overcome the baggage of 2011, but they've returned with as strong a sound as ever. And this album really reflects their personality, too. One of my favorite things about Big Bang is their level of involvement with their own music, which is evident in the credits for the album: G-Dragon wrote lyrics for all seven tracks, Daesung co-wrote his solo song, TOP wrote lyrics for five songs, and G-Dragon co-wrote the music for all seven tracks. You get infinite bonus points for creativity, guys.

Let's take a look at Alive!
"Alive" is an intro, which is usually a throwaway piece of music on any K-pop album, but Big Bang always seems to make their intros count. They toss out snippety intro tracks that make you wish they were full songs. The lovely, quick vocals of "Alive" are engrossing and then they end abruptly, leaving the listening audience going, "What, it's over? No, don't be over!" I like the subject of the song because the EP needed to start on an upnote to let us know that the guys are okay (they've done this type of "reassurance" track before, like on Tonight with "I'm fine, thank you and you"). I like how this intro starts with muffled vocals, like their voices are thawing out and getting warmer, which matches the concept photos for the album.

"Blue" is moody, melodic, and atmospheric, but it's not totally sad until you look up the lyrics. I was pleased by the tune and I felt some of the emotion from "Blue," but when I looked up the ultra-sad translated lyrics, it seemed a hundred times more....well, blue. I love Daesung's lullaby-type voice on this, and TOP is doing just fine with his subdued singing part even though he's a rapper. This song is mellow but it stays with you in a stealthy way. It seems like a basic mid-tempo song until you catch yourself singing it without thinking.

"Love Dust" is a very pleasant electronica pop number. I far prefer the tune of the verses to the tune of the chorus, which falls a little flat, but it has a very peppy beat and even has a couple of Black Eyed Peas "I Got a Feelin'"-style "woo-ooo"s in the background. It's not shattering, but it's a successful track.

Did I say that "Blue" was catchy? Well, the next song, "Bad Boy," is even more infectious. It almost defies your attempts to not sing it, language barrier or no. As a recent article in Gawker puts it, the song is pretty close to pop perfection. It has some swagger, but the song's actually more apologetic than anything. It's not saying "I'm a  bad guy, so deal with it!" but "I wish I wasn't a bad guy because it's ruining things between us". It's kind of a complex mental state to convey, which is reflected in a chorus that tells the girl to leave for her own good, then begs her to stay.

"Ain't No Fun" doesn't really work for me. The verses don't have much melodic variety and the chorus is pretty generic. I feel much the same about "Fantastic Baby," though I may be one of the rare people who doesn't enjoy it. It's a fine dance track, but except for G-Dragon and TOP's parts, I feel like it doesn't completely sound like Big Bang and that almost anyone could be singing the song--the beat is a lot like LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem". But the song is probably still worth listening to just to hear TOP saying "Boom shakalaka". It's one of the best phrases ever.

"Wings" really surprised me with its cool arrangement of strings. I don't know what I thought Daesung's solo song would be like, but it wound up sounding powerful and victorious, which is perfect for him after all he has been through.

After listening to their latest EP, Alive, I'm still thrilled with Big Bang's talent and their consistently high-quality music. Not every song on this album is a winner, but there's enough catchiness, variety, and artistry to prove that these five guys still deserve their reputation as one of the biggest acts in K-pop. Check them out if you haven't already.

My Grade: 4 of 5 stars

Must-listens: "Alive," "Blue," "Bad Boy,"

Watchable bonus: Here's the music video for "Blue".

EP Review: Alive by Big Bang Link Free Download

Scripture Sunday: Second Timothy

In this second letter, Paul is writing to his young friend and protege, Timothy, and telling him a few last words of advice. Paul is imprisoned and he doesn't expect to live much longer, but his overall message to Timothy is one of encouragement.

Just after his greeting, Paul makes a point of recalling that Timothy's family actually has a legacy of faith; Timothy's mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois were both believers in Jesus. Timothy himself has a strong faith and he has some spiritual gift that Paul encourages him to use. Next in this chapter comes one of my favorite verses in the New Testament: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (1:7) This is a verse I often quote to myself if I'm feeling fearful or anxious--it reminds me that these feelings to do not come from God and are not part of his plans for his people.

"Strength" seems to be one of the repeated keywords in this letter. In chapter 2, Paul tells Timothy to be strong in Jesus, then he uses some helpful extended metaphors to describe being strong in Christ. "Thou therefore endure hardship, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier" (2:3-4) Living as a follower of Christ can be a lot like being a dedicated soldier who is totally focused on completing a mission. Paul also compares Christian life to being a competitive athlete who only wins a prize after striving their utmost, or a farmer who only gets a harvest after putting forth a lot of labor. We have to be strong until we reach our ultimate reward.

Chapter 3 discusses end times and talks about the evil people that will rise in that later days. Persecution and affliction have been a continuous part of Paul's life, and he knows that the sufferings of believers will only grow worse over time, but he still tries to build up Timothy and strengthen his faith: "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them" (3:14). Paul himself has stuck to his faith in Christ until the very end, as he says in his closing in chapter 4:7 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith". I hope we're all able to say the same thing when our time comes.

Scripture Sunday: Second Timothy Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Dream High 2, Episodes 7-8

Read episode reviews for:
Dream High 2--Episodes 1-2
Dream High 2--Episodes 3-4
Dream High 2--Episodes 5-6

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 7-8

Poor little Hyesung has received one rejection too many. Kirin School of the Arts is not the most forgiving place for people who haven't proven their singing or dancing talent, and Hyesung has been the victim of a thousand different misunderstandings which led to her being a social outcast. It's lucky that her celebrity crush JB is around to pick her up and encourage her. The sad thing is, Hyesung's guy friend Yujin would like to do the same thing for her, but JB basically beat him to it without realizing.

But when JB is kind to Hyesung, his pop star friend Rian complains and insults JB by saying that he's weak for pitying someone as worthless as Hyesung. These episodes actually give us a lot of surprising character development from JB. Yujin also gets to step up and act like a boss because he turns down an offer to be mentored by a great composer since he doesn't want to be owned by a company or told what to write. You go, Yujin!

At Kirin, school owner Kangchul is thinking about making a supergroup of six students who perform the best in peer evaluations. Yujin gets picked as the first Super Idol for the special group, and I like this new plot point because it means that we're finally getting back to what I assume was the original heart of the show--kids fighting to realize their dreams.

The romantic subplot is advancing nicely, and in an unanticipated direction. JB openly admits to Hyesung that he likes her, yay! I can't believe that I actually care, but I do. And what I like to call the "karmic revenge" subplot is kicking in at last, and Rian finally gets a little of the humiliation she has coming to her. I hope that after being humbled, she can rebuild herself into a decent person capable of empathy.

Things I Loved:

1. JB's Sweetness. I swore I would never like this guy, but the writers have really turned his character around. He started out by being blandly self-centered, stiff, and passive. He wouldn't so much as lift a perfectly toned finger to help anyone who wasn't also a celebrity singer. But now? When everyone at school hurts Hyesung by returning her gifts of apples, he picks an apple up from the floor, wipes it off and eats it to show her that not everyone has rejected her. Awww.

Who Knew That Apples Could Be So Poignant?

2. Hyesung's Strength. After 6 episodes of cringing, cowering, and apologizing, Hyesung's showing some backbone. It's so moving to see her in the empty Kirin High theater, addressing an absent audience by herself at night, saying a few last words before she leaves, presumably forever.

The Sound You Hear Is My Heart Breaking.

3. Hyesung's Dad. He's really a great guy. He's a little out of the loop and has a tough time understanding his daughter's wild dreams, but at his core, Mr. Shin is a good man who wants to take care of his girl. He takes her away from Kirin because the people there have been so cruel to her, but he may let her go back if that's what she wants.

It's Also Adorable That He's Shorter Than His Baby Girl.

4. Family. Show, why are you getting so touching all of the sudden? When JB goes to visit Hyesung's family, it ends up being the best thing ever because he learns about her background--Hyesung's been bravely soldiering onward since her mother died two years ago. Then Hyesung's dad warms to JB, and JB reveals that his own parents have passed away. Then he shares a home-cooked meal with Hyesung, her dad, and her baby, it's just so heartwarming. These family connections make me believe that these two just might work.

I Have Changed My Mind--They May Be the Cutest Couple Ever.


1. The Rian-Pout. Do we ever see her when she's not smirking, snarling, or grimacing?

Well, To Be Fair, She Sometimes Also Looks Worried.

2. Yujin's Backstory. Yujin was plenty cool without having some weird tragic past as a child star whose fame broke up his parents' marriage. Why make him into this poetic, sad genius figure? He was great as a talented yet flawed guy on his way to better things.


Confidence is Catching: JB remembers being encouraged by Yujin in the past, and this memory, coupled with JB's understanding of how brave Hyesung has been at times, inspires JB to actually begin writing music, which is his real dream.

Note: JB Has Good Handwriting, & is Left-Handed.

2. Ownership/Plagiarism. There's a complicated debate between JB and Yujin about plagiarism. Yujin performed a song of Hyesung's without crediting her, but he planned to perform the song with her--things just got a little mixed up. Then Yujin points that JB has recorded plagiarized songs in the past. Tempers flare, insults are hurled, and poses are struck.


Cultural Observances:

Apples as Gifts. In Korean, the word for "apple" and the word for "apology" are pronounced about the same, and in K-Dramas I've often seen people give someone else an apple as a metaphorical way of saying that they are apologizing. Also, fresh fruit seems to be more expensive in Korea than America, so buying fruit is a slightly bigger deal. Hyesung gives apples to everyone in her class, but they all return them, sort of as an ultimate way of rejecting her attempts to mend their hurt feelings. Yeesh.

New words: "Wangdda" (??) is what Seul calls Hyesung. The subbing site I watch translates this as "bully," but it actually means the opposite--more like "one who is bullied" or "social outcast". "Chingu" is "friend/s" and Rian makes it clear to Hyesung that just because they're roomates, they are most certainly never going to be chingu.

Episode Evaluations: Dream High 2 is getting good. For the first time, I actually care what happens to the characters. I think it's because they're starting to legitimately work toward their dreams instead of expecting things to be handed to them.

K-Drama Review: Dream High 2, Episodes 7-8 Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Dream High 2, Episodes 5-6

Read episode reviews for:

Dream High 2--Episodes 1-2
Dream High 2--Episodes 3-4
Dream High 2--Episodes 7-8

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 5-6

It's time for midterms at Kirin High School of the Arts, which means that everyone sings duets and Principal Joo decides whether they pass or fail based on their performance. Which is kind of sad, really, considering the Principal's general lack of care about anything that matters to the kids. The duets go badly for most of the cast. Ailee's partner is disqualified for not singing at all, Hyesung is disqualified for having no batteries in her microphone while Rian is disqualified for not sharing her mic with Hyesung, and Yujin is disqualified for...I really don't know. He just is.

Hyesung is so assured of her failure during the duets that she sabotages her own self, though everyone blames mean girl Rian for the blunder. In the aftermath of the mic incident, Yujin steps up to defend Hyesung while JB defends Rian, and we now have the makings of a love square (or rather, a love arrow, which looks like: Yujin--->Hyesung--->JB---->Rian). Anyhow, the disqualified kids are sent to a boot camp where they're forced to run laps, do endless exercises, stand outside in the snow, etc. The trip is supposed to be a punishment but also a team-building exercise, but Rian sets herself up as Hyesung's enemy and makes certain that Hyesung suffers for accidentally framing her for the microphone crime.

We do get a new addition to the cast in episode 6. Kangchul's daughter Seul is a tough gal who's getting bullied at her current school, so her dad transfers her to Kirin, but doesn't let anyone know she's his kid. This adds depth to our villain Kangchul, just when we were needing it. Seul's been caught up in a bullying cycle where she beats up others because they hit her first, and I think she's going to be great for the classroom dynamic at Kirin because she has experienced both privilege and mistreatment.

The personal drama is progressing a bit. JB's taking care of Rian a lot lately, not that she needs it (or appreciates it, for that matter), while Yujin is kind of mean to Hyesung in order to get her to improve and stand up for herself. Hyesung resents Yujin's harsh speeches, but finally, after 6 episodes of failure and humiliation, Hyesung improves and sings her heart out while practicing by herself! But interestingly, while I really thought this show was going to give us Yujin-Hyesung and JB-Rian pairings, episode 6 intentionally mixes things up and gives us decent reasons to suspect different pairings. Like this scene...

JB, Putting a Smile on Hyesung's Face, Literally.

Things I Loved:

1. Yujin. Who knew that the artsy indie rocker would become the school's voice of reason? Yujin's my favorite character and while I did not previously know that Yujin's actor, Jinwoon, was a member of the band 2AM, I think I'll be checking out their music now. I love Yujin's singing voice in this show, but since his acting was the best in the cast aside from Kang Sora, I thought he was an actor who could sing instead of a singer who can act. Yujin may be getting the most consistent character development in this series, and although he's flawed, he's becoming more of a leader.

Only Sane Man in the Cast.

2. Kang Sora. I love how dedicated this actress is to her character! I fully enjoy watching her throw herself into the part without worrying about being reserved or looking cool. However, I just can't like Hyesung, not yet. Her motivations don't make sense to me, and her actions are usually kind of wacky and futile. It's an odd moment for me, disliking the character but loving the actress.

Kang Sora, Fighting!

3. Hyesung/Yujin. They're not even close to being a couple, but they're still the most interesting pair on this show, in my view. And that part in episode 5 where they did the Cinderella thing by having Yujin help Hyesung put her shoe back on? Priceless.

The Most Romantic Moment in Dream High 2.

4. Seul. We so badly needed a tough girl who speaks plainly. What a gift she is! She immediately walks into the Kirin dorm and declares that Rian is a jerk and Hyesung is a wimp. She even throws Rian's stuff out of the wardrobe to make room for her own things! Oh, I foresee good things happening with Seul's conflict with Rian.

Lady Vengeance.

5. The Rubik's Cube scene. It's a sweet little moment when JB is watching Hyesung solve an old beat-up Rubik's cube he always carries with him. It shows a friendlier, innocent side to JB, and he's at his best when he's acting shy, inquisitive, or vulnerable. I haven't thought much of his character up until now, because he's not terribly interesting and he's always defending mean girl Rian, but his and Hyesung's interaction over the toy cube is pretty nice.

Confident on the Stage, but Perplexed by Rubik's Cubes.


1. Kirin's Grading Policy. Even in the context of a frothy fantasy world full of musical numbers and sudden school takeovers, I can't fathom how the school manages their academic evaluations. The kids are getting graded for shared projects (duets), and the songs aren't arranged to give each person equal vocal time, either. Thank goodness the parents make an attempt at pointing out how ludicrous this is, but they still can't stop their kids from getting sent to a random boot camp as a result of messing up a couple of minutes of a pop performance.

2. Way-Too-Long Musical Numbers. No matter how great the song is, usually just one verse or chorus is plenty to give television audiences a good impression of the tune. We didn't need to hear Rian sing a full ballad by herself while Hyesung looked on sadly. Even Hyorin's full song was a bit much, though I did love the full outdoor performance by Yujin and the other students.

3. The Editing. The close-ups and reaction shots in this show tend to last 5-10 seconds longer than necessary. Maybe Dream High 2 is just trying to fill its 65-minute time slot with the longer scenes? I keep comparing DH2 to my current favorite show, Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, which normally clocks in at 45 minutes per episode and always leaves you wanting to see more, rather than wishing certain scenes were trimmed or cut.


The Truth Will Find You Out: Rian reveals a letter Hyesung wrote to her dad, confessing about the mic batteries and how she accidentally framed Rian. Everything finally comes to light, even though Hyesung couldn't bring herself to confess.

Our Main Foursome, In Yet Another 4-Way Standoff.

Authority is Unfeeling: Finally, the Kirin High parents confront Kangchul about his crazy methods of running the school and putting down the underdog kids. Kangchul proves himself an even bigger jerk by comparing the struggling students at his school to kids who have fallen into the ocean. He says he can only metaphorically save those who are closest to the shore (the celebrity kids), implying that the other kids will be left to drown if they can't kick hard enough to get into position to be "saved" by him. His ego knows no bounds, does it?

Cruelty vs. Cowardice: In the ongoing Rian-Hyesung tensions, both girls are at fault sometimes, but Hyesung is always trying to do the right thing by others while Rian's only looking out for herself. I dislike Hyesung's cowardly behavior, but I truly hate Rian's meanness because she's a strong personality who verbally rips apart weaker people like Hyesung. On a related note, I still can't believe these two girls managed to milk so much angst out of missing microphone batteries.

Cultural Observances:

Giving/Receiving with Both Hands: In Korea, it's polite to give and receive objects while using both hands, or while supporting your right arm with your left hand. When Jinman (JYP) hands his credit card to a lady at a convenience store, she receives it with two hands.

K-Pop: The kids think that their drill instructor looks like Korean hip-hop singer PSY. But I'm not familiar enough with PSY to know if this is actually a guest appearance by him.

For All I Know, He Could Be the Actual PSY. (ETA: Wikipedia Says It IS Him)

New words: "Oneul" means "today". Rian says this when she asks JB what he's doing today. "Aniyo" means "no," but the students usually use "ani" with each other, which is less formal, kind of like saying "nope".

Episode Evaluations:

Dream High 2 is getting a little more meaningful, I think, despite serious issues with pacing and editing. Hyesung is getting braver, thank goodness! And I don't know if anyone is choosing sides in the romantic plots yet, but for the record I'm staunchly Team Yujin.

But Here's One Last JB Photo for the JB Fans, Anyways.

Watchable Bonus: Here's Yujin, Rian, and some others singing in a street performance. I quite like the song. Sounds kind of like...The Partridge Family.


K-Drama Review: Dream High 2, Episodes 5-6 Link Free Download

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 11-12

Read episode reviews for:

Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 1-2
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 3-4
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 5-6
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 7-8
Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 9-10

Contains Spoilers for Episodes 11-12

It's time for Eye Candy's professional TV debut with their lead single! They're a great band, so they're going to do an awesome job! Right? Right? *sigh* Actually, things turn out okay. Eye Candy flubs their live show, but with the help of Teacher Kim and some guitar-related theatrics from Hyunsoo, they go along like it's no thing. The mistakes endear them to their audience and further solidify that these guys are a raw, messy, real band and not a factory creation.

Now that the band has officially debuted, Hyunsoo's been promoting constantly. Hyunsoo's the face of the group and he appears on all sorts of variety shows, but Ji-hyuk thinks it's kind of fake that Hyunsoo can always paste on smile and act like a celebrity. The friction between these two hasn't really gone away, but they do patch things up later.

Next thing you know, it's keyboardist Kyung-jong's birthday, but everyone's so wrapped up in their own schedules, they forget it (How could you forget the precious baby's birthday? That's unforgiveable!). Ji-hyuk has to ditch Suah in order to throw Kyung-jong a last minute surprise party (why not bring Suah along? Kyung-jong's always been the friendliest member of the band toward her anyway). The party represents an ongoing theme of loyalty, and shows that these guys will always eventually rally together to support each other.

On the relationship front, Ji-hyuk still hasn't told the guys he's dating Suah, which is a big issue. Also, while Ji-hyuk's busy with press conferences and all-night rehearsals, he inadvertently ignores his girl. Ji-hyuk doesn't quite realize that while Suah's not clingy or needy, she also doesn't have a backup support system of friends like he does. He always has his boys, but she has no one to reply upon...except Seung-hoon. And now Eye Candy's record label drops the bomb on them that Seung-hoon is their new producer for the next album! Oh, this rivalry is so on.

Things I Loved:

1. The Songs. The soundtrack to the show is so good that I don't get tired of hearing them sing "Jaywalking" for the jillionth time. It's a fun, fun song, and yet I think the new track "Wake Up" might be even better. They must have gotten some good songwriter/composers for this show, because the music is super catchy. Even the actors seem to be getting into the music more.

Hyunsoo, Rocking Out More Than Usual.

2. Suah. Really, she's the perfect "rock girlfriend" because she likes Ji-hyuk regardless of his level of success or fame, yet she's not jealous of his accomplishments. I have to give kudos to her actress, Jo Boa, for always seeming so angelic even under pressure. Suah hasn't always had the best character development, but I can't help but like her completely. And I sympathize with her more than Ji-hyuk in these two episodes because she's being the best girlfriend she can be while Ji-hyuk is kind of failing in the boyfriend department.

Precious, Precious, Precious.

3. Teacher Kim Shil Ba. This guy always does what's best for his band. In the beginning of the show, I wondered why he was featured so much, but now I know how much the show needed him. He was a onetime enemy that was converted into a friend and ally for Eye Candy, and it gives me hope that Seung-hoon might one day make a turnaround and support them, too. Teacher Kim is an example of a good (but imperfect) adult role model, which is rarely seen in TV shows.

Best Mentor/Manager Ever.

3. Hyunsoo. My favorite gets a character redemption in these episodes. Hyunsoo has gone from seeming like he was going to leave the band to outright refusing a solo venture. He has always been interested in making it big, but though he gets more attention than his bandmates, he's adamant that everything he does is in support of his friends. That's loyalty at work! He still retains a little of his trademark iciness, but it's mostly softened. That is, until we hit even MORE conflict with Ji-hyuk.

Is Still Somewhat the Problem Child of the Band.

1. The guys' painful success-to-failure ratio.  It's like even when they're succeeding, they're failing. They get their record deal, only to have inter-group tensions, then they have their official televised debut, only to suffer not one but two major instrument malfunctions. They work like crazy to write their own second single, and then get saddled with Seung-hoon, an unpleasable producer who hates them. They make it big, only to be hit by a scandal about Do-Il's gangster father. Ah, it's annoying, but it makes for good television, so I can't whine too much.

Looks Polished, but is Prone to Sudden, Dramatic Failures.

2. Ji-hyuk ignoring Suah. I think everyone in the viewing audience is upset with him right now. He thinks he can just not call or text or meet with Suah for a whole week and that everything will be just fine and dandy when he sees her again. To Suah's credit, she doesn't blow up over his callous behavior, but she finally tells him that he needs to change his ways. That's right, Suah, tell it like it is.


Surprising Character Traits: Hajin reveals that he can actually care for someone--he's genuine in his adoration of Yerim, whereas he previously seemed like a silly flirt who wouldn't be able to stick with one person. Then there's Hyunsoo, who shows that he's more thoughtful than he once seemed, by being the only one to remember Kyung-jong's birthday. Do-Il, the quiet and pensive one, has a shocking change of character when stands up and gets angry when Wookyung is insulted. And of course there's Kyung-jong, who adorably cooks breakfast for his whole crew because he's actually an accomplished cook. This was the week for hidden personality traits and hidden talents.

Just Visible in the Shot: Yellow Apron Straps.

Turning Mistakes into Positives: Eye Candy makes mistakes, but no one cares because of how they view their own errors. Ji-hyuk says that even if a live performance gets messed up, it's still valuable because it's accurately representing that one moment in time. Do-Il says that a band who's afraid to play live (aka, afraid to risk messing up) shouldn't be playing at all. Even mistakes can have a certain beauty to them.

Rivalry: The Ji-hyuk/Seung-hoon rivalry is a little more complicated than it looks. It seems like a simple 2-guys-fighting-over-1-girl showdown, but that's not really it. Suah's not conflicted about who she likes, so there's no competition, there. And Sueng-hoon's no longer in a band, so he and Ji-hyuk aren't competing musically anymore, but they've each decided that the other guy is a person who must be beaten, regardless of the circumstances.

Destined to Loathe Each Other.

Cultural Observances:

New words: "Hwaiting/fighting!" roughly translated means "Let's do this!" It took me awhile to get used to hearing K-drama characters happily saying the English word "Fighting!" while smiling.

Noraebang: When Kyung-jong gets sad, he goes and sings beautiful karaoke ballads. By himself. *sniffle*

Seaweed soup: Kyung-jong lies to his mom and says his friends brought him seaweed soup for his birthday, because it's a traditional birthday food.

Celebrity Ads: Suah keeps walking past Minho from SHINee's advertisement for Etude House. This episode marks the third time I've seen her in frame with this particular advertisement, which is a lifesize cutout of Choi Minho holding a pink heart. This advertisement must be ubiquitous in Korea right now because I've seen it on EatYourKimchi and in other current dramas.

Minho is Watching You. Always.

Watch the English-subtitled Episode 11 at DramaFever

Episode Evaluations:

Shut Up, Flower Boy Band is so emotionally pitch-perfect. Just when I think the show is going to start recycling plot points, they move on to something better.  It'll have you smiling happily one minute, then clenching your fists the next, because you want a happy ending for every single person in the cast and negotiating 12 different sets of hopes and dreams isn't an easy task.

Audio Bonus: Here's that awesome song, "Wake Up'!

K-Drama Review: Shut Up, Flower Boy Band, Episodes 11-12 Link Free Download

Guest Post: Writing Inspiration by K.C. Blake

Tiger: Hello, everyone! Today, I'm hosting a guest post from author K.C. Blake, who's discussing where she gets her inspiration for writing. I like her "never off the clock" take on writing, and the idea that inspiration comes at odd times, when we're busy with daily life. :-)

"Where do ideas come from? I hear this question a lot. I have been interviewed more times than I can count and most of them ask me where the idea for the book came from. So here is my list, a list of where I find my ideas.
  1. Movies/Books: As a writer I am never off the clock. Even when watching television or reading someone else�s work, I do it as a writer. Every once in a while I will pick up a great angle from a movie or book. You shouldn�t copy someone else�s idea, of course, but sometimes the writer went in a different direction than I would have gone. That gets me to thinking. If a movie or book doesn�t have the story I originally thought it did, I will later write that story myself.
  1. Real Life Events: This is a great way to pick up ideas. Nothing is crazier than real life. I laugh all the time at people who shake their heads at fiction because �it couldn�t possibly happen that way.� Yeah, right. I have heard and seen some things that no one would believe if you wrote them into a book. Real life is way crazier than fiction.
  1. A Comment: Sometimes a person will say something that sends my mind on a fantastic journey. Back when I was in college several people came up to me, insisting they�d seen me downstairs or on the other side of the campus. It wasn�t me. So I started to wonder if I had a twin or if something more sinister was happening. The thought gave birth to a book that I hope to one day finish and publish.
  1. Dreams: This is one of my all-time favorite ways of finding a good story. I love it when I have an intensely vivid dream where I�m being chased by a werewolf or trying to hide the fact that I�m the killer or any number of things. That�s why I keep a notebook beside my bed.
I think those are the main places my ideas come from. Then I take the little crumb of an idea and add to it until I have a complete plot with characters, conflict, and endless possibilities. Witch Hunt (available at Amazon April 2012) started off with the idea of what witches would do if they had powers. I figured teen witches would use those powers to play games that ordinary kids couldn�t. That idea has turned into two books with more on the way. Happy writing and reading!"


Tiger: Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, K.C.! Your story about potentially having a double/twin on campus reminds me of when I was in college and was acquainted with twin girls for six whole months before I learned they were twins--I never saw them in the same place, so I thought they were one girl who changed her outfits a lot.

Readers, to get another look at K.C.'s fiction, you can check out her blog, Ghost Writer!


Guest Post: Writing Inspiration by K.C. Blake Link Free Download

Guest Post: "My Favorite Quotes" by Shawn Kirsten Maravel

Tiger: Hello, everyone! Today I'm glad to be hosting a guest post from author Shawn Kirsten Maravel, who will be sharing some neat quotes from three of her books (I love getting sneak peeks!). The first two books are romantic YA, and the third is literary fiction. Read on...


Guest Post: My Favorite Quotes by Shawn Kirsten Maravel

When searching for books on Goodreads I always go through and find the book quotes, they�re my favorite. Not only is it a good way to get a taste for an author�s writing style but for the feel of a book. So I want to share with you a few of my favorite quotes and excerpts from all three of my novels, Volition, Severance, and The Wanderer.

�The longer I looked into his eyes the more I felt that he was leading me down a road that I was determined not to follow.�

? Volition

�Friends, I told myself. We could be friends. Friends held hands all the time, and I hadn�t given up hope that maybe he could even be gay. Gay would be perfect.�

? Volition

�His eyes darted over the surface of my face. Like a moth to a blaze he was hesitant, seeming to crave my warmth but not its inevitable burn. He explored me from a distance with his unspoken desire, with the fear that touching me would set him to flame. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to prove very much the opposite.�

? Volition

�Your heart is either beating or it's not, your heart never forgets. As long as your heart is beating follow it, it will always stay true to you.�

? Volition

�?A heart that had chosen its path couldn't be led in any other direction.�

? Severance

�The thirst we shared for one another made it clear that the distraction would only come from deprivation. Charlotte was always on my mind. In my dreams, her name balancing fatally on my lips at all times, the scent of her drove me on through my everyday tasks. It was in denying myself of her soft skin and intoxicating presence that I truly began to lose touch.�

? Severance

�I knew that she couldn�t hear me if she was there. But the sound was enough to grab me, to hold me to hope, and with desperation that I�d never known before I knew that I must find my way back to her.�

? Severance

�I was investing more and more of myself into an outcome I couldn�t predict and would very likely be disappointed by. But for me there was no other option.�

? Severance

�If I could get down on my knees and ask for your forgiveness I would,� he said �but I�m afraid that along with misplaced manners, yesterday�s accident has also taken away my ability to grovel properly.�-Landon�

? The Wanderer

�Can I make you some breakfast? Do you like your eggs sunny side up?�

�I�m going to start feeling spoiled if you keep up this grovelling. I�ve already forgiven you, you know.�

�Oh, I�m not grovelling. I�m just making breakfast. I figured since it�s your kitchen and all it would only be polite to offer you some.�

? The Wanderer

"A bike needs to be taken care of just like a woman. Treat her right and she'll bring you happiness you never knew existed. Lock her away and she'll make you suffer a worse fate than hell.�

? The Wanderer


Tiger: Thanks for sharing the quotes, Shawn!

Readers, if you're intrigued by what you've read, you can follow the links above, or maybe check out the author's Blog and Twitter. Enjoy!

Guest Post: "My Favorite Quotes" by Shawn Kirsten Maravel Link Free Download

Book Blogger Confessions #5: Positives/Benefits to Blogging

Hi y'all! Welcome to the blogger meme I'm co-hosting with my friend Karen at For What It's Worth Reviews. It's time to open up and share (and vent) about our blogging experiences!

Blogging about books is one of the best hobbies ever and it's incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its own particular challenges and issues, so we want to open up the conversation and talk about the stuff we normally keep to ourselves.

Guidelines: Do not criticize other bloggers or authors in your post or in the comments! We're here to support each other.

Our current question  is:

For March 5th: Let's talk about the positive side of blogging! How has blogging influenced your real life in a positive way? (not related to books or reading) Have you learned to be organized or are you more social now for example?


Tiger's answer:

Completing staying away from book and reading-related answers, I think blogging has improved my professional confidence. I'm a naturally loud and theatrical person, so social shyness has never been a problem for me, but I would often feel shy about my writing ability or my professional skills. Almost more than anything else (degrees in my field, work experience, etc), blogging has made me confident in my abilities as a writer. My blog is an open portfolio of work that I can look back on and say to myself, "I can write about anything I put my mind to." I've spent over two years arranging my thoughts and posting them on an almost-daily basis. Thinking back on my blogging experience is very comforting and it bolsters my spirits when I need a bit of a boost. :-)

Blogging has also improved my computer skills. When I started out, I didn't know how to hyperlink or add more than one image to a post! Now I'm still no computer whiz, but I can change my formatting the way I like it, and I'm learning new things like making my own screenshots and captions for the TV shows I review.

Finally, blogging has improved my mental focus. Thanks to enough time spent reviewing books, I can zoom in on necessary details more quickly than I used to, whether it's fictional details or things that have real-life practical applications. I don't quite feel like blogging has made me smarter, but I do think it has made me sharper. I'm coming to the same conclusions I always would, but I'm figuring them out faster.

So how about you? Has blogging done anything for your confidence, computer skills, or mental focus, or are your non-reading "blogging benefits" of a different nature?


To participate in the meme:

If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Tiger's All Consuming  Media or For What It's Worth.

Join in the meme and link your post up below or leave a comment! Feel free to suggest future topics you want to see discussed, and have fun confessing! :-)

This meme will be hosted twice monthly, on 1st and 3rd Mondays. Here is the next question--

March 19th: Everyone LOVES that book! Why don't I? How do you handle being the one reviewer who doesn't like a book that's taking the blogosphere by storm? Do you write a review? Pretend you didn't read the book?

Link your post!

Book Blogger Confessions #5: Positives/Benefits to Blogging Link Free Download